TOP 10 Rest Api Documentation Best Practices Results at

  • PHP Web Services: APIs for the Modern Web

    Whether you’re sharing data between two internal systems or building an API so that users can access their data, this practical guide has everything you need to build APIs with PHP. Author Lorna Jane Mitchell provides lots of hands-on code samples, real-world examples, and advice based on her extensive experience to guide you through the process—from the underlying theory to methods for making your service robust.You’ll learn how to use this language to work with JSON, XML, and other web service technologies. This updated second edition includes new tools and features that reflect PHP updates and changes on the Web.Explore HTTP, from the request/response cycle to its verbs, headers, and cookiesWork with and publish webhooks—user-defined HTTP callbacksDetermine whether JSON or XML i... [Read More]
    Rest Api Documentation Best Practices

    • ASIN: 1491933097
    • ASIN: 1491933097
    • ISBN: 1491933097
    • Brand: O REILLY
    • Manufacturer: O'Reilly Media

  • Landscape Architecture Documentation Standards : Principles, Guidelines, and Best Practices

    Landscape Architecture Documentation Standards: Principles, Guidelines and Best Practices
    Rest Api Documentation Best Practices

    • UPC: 11595569

  • Begin Again : The Brave Practice of Releasing Hurt and Receiving Rest

    With compassion and vulnerability, Leeana Tankerlsey invites readers to begin again every day, leaving behind the failures and frustrations of yesterday to experience a truer and freer
    Rest Api Documentation Best Practices
    What happens when life begins to trip us up and failure starts creeping in? Many of us just keep on doing the same thing, hoping for different results. Some of us look for escape, to find a way out of the mess we feel that we've created. But neither enduring nor escaping is ultimately what we need. The answer is to allow ourselves to begin again, every day, in every part of our lives. Through engaging, lyrical prose, Leeana Tankersley shows women how to forgive themselves, develop new and healthier patterns of living, and do away with resentment and regret.

    • UPC: 116712792
    • Rating: 5.0

  • Heroic Leadership : Best Practices from a 450-Year-Old Company That Changed the World

    Shows how Jesuits have successfully grappled with the same challenges that test great companies today with an emphasis on their adopted values: self-awareness, ingenuity, love, and heroism.
    Rest Api Documentation Best Practices
    Leadership Principles for Lasting Success Leadership makes great companies, but few of us truly understand how to turn ourselves and others into great leaders. One company—the Jesuits—pioneered a unique formula for molding leaders and in the process built one of history’s most successful companies.In this groundbreaking book, Chris Lowney reveals the leadership principles that have guided the Jesuits for more than 450 years: self-awareness, ingenuity, love, and heroism. Lowney shows how these same principles can make each of us a dynamic leader in the twenty-first

    • UPC: 3378981
    • Rating: 4.5

  • Thriving from A to Z : Best Practices to Increase Resilience, Satisfaction, and Success

    Thriving from A to Z provides you with 26 best practices proven to help you learn, grow, and succeed. The essential best practices, valuable implementation tips, and engaging reflection activities help you build resilience and overcome challenges. The journal pages give you space to record your action steps. You'll use the tips and activities daily to create a life filled with more satisfaction and success both personally and professionally. The ability to thrive is not a given; it is an intentional choice. Choose to create your best self today.Thriving from A to Z delivers a straightforward pathway everyone can follow
    Rest Api Documentation Best Practices
    Thriving from A to Z provides you with 26 best practices proven to help you learn, grow, and succeed. The essential best practices, valuable implementation tips, and engaging reflection activities help you build resilience and overcome challenges. The journal pages give you space to record your action steps. You'll use the tips and activities daily to create a life filled with more satisfaction and success both personally and professionally. The ability to thrive is not a given; it is an intentional choice. Choose to create your best self today.Thriving from A to Z delivers a straightforward pathway everyone can follow

    • UPC: 662577702

  • Detonate : Why - And How - Corporations Must Blow Up Best Practices (and Bring a Beginner's Mind) to Survive

    "This book explains how organizations built up bad habits, identifies which ones masquerade as "best practices," and suggests alternatives that can contribute to winning in the marketplace. With a focus on optimism and empowerment, it focuses on an approach and mindset which are critical to successfully compete in an era characterized by profound technological advances and
    Rest Api Documentation Best Practices
    Reinvent best practices that have become bad habitsWithout meaning to, and often with the best of intentions, most organizations continually waste precious time and money on processes and activities that don't create value and no longer make sense in today's business environment. Until now, the relatively slow speed of marketplace evolution has allowed wasteful habits to continue without consequence. This reality is ending.Detonate explains how organizations built up bad habits, identifies which ones masquerade as "best practices," and suggests alternatives that can contribute to winning in the marketplace. With a focus on optimism and empowerment, it focuses on an approach

    • UPC: 408349604

  • REST API Documentation Best Practices|Marta Rauch

    Title: REST API Documentation Best Practices Speaker: Marta Rauch, senior principal information developer, Oracle Corporation Summary: If you haven’t yet documented a REST API, you may be aske...
    rest api,technical writing,stc,stc india,india,technical writer,api

    What Makes Good API Documentation: An Example-Based Approach

    Lois Patterson We'll take a tour through API documentation land, comparing t...

    Never RESTing – RESTful API Best Practices using ASP.NET Web API - Spencer Schneidenbach

    Designing and building RESTful APIs isn’t easy. On its surface, it may seem simple – after all, developers are only marshaling JSON back and forth over HTTP, right? Believe it or not, that’s only a...
    web,architecture,Spencer Schneidenbach,ndc,ndc london